One Platform, Limitless Possibilities
Lowering the action bar to success in a single, integrated behavioral experience system
Branded App
and Desktop
Connect to your audience under your brand, style, and all of the uniqueness of your organization. Pulse gives you a custom-user interface through our white-label enterprise app and desktop experience.
The apps will have the critical capabilities you need and the look and feel your brand requires. Your user experience will be as unique and specific as your organization.
Sales Team | Patients | Organization | Consumers
Gamification, Rewards, Contingency Management,
& Incentives
People, at times, can be coin-operated. Reward your users with multiple levels of badging, status-earning, points (redeemable and non-redeemable), recognition, leaderboards, peer-to-peer recognition, and much more.
Automatically track KPIs like daily sales and provide cash incentives to really drive growth or performance.
And then deliver real benefits to users with a built-in incentive system that allows users to earn prizes, sweepstakes entries, learn and earn, discount codes, and more. Your engagement will skyrocket.
Sales Team | Patients | Organization | Consumers
Resources and Enablement Tools
Curate and provide access to critical business tools in the form of Demos, PDFs, Videos, Documents, Product Information, and other downloads.
Organize it by role and location, and even provide specific information based on location.
Your users will have the information and resources they need at the moment they need it on the device they need it, without having to sift through a broken file system.
Sales Team | Patients | Organization | Consumers
Digital Learning
Features Include:
App and Desktop delivery
SCORM Compliant
Non-SCORM Compliant Content with internal builder
Embedded Assessments
Long-Answer Assessments
Contextual Content available based upon areas of interest of learner(s)
Certificate Generation
User content rating
User content comments
Embedded post-learning survey
Tiered learning architecture (Categories, Curriculum, Courses, Lessons, Assessments, and Certifications)
Continuing Education credits
Live Training,
and One-on-One
Enhance your group’s learning experience with broad-based or narrowcasted discussions with threaded messaging, image posting, Q&A, and more. Engage with live one-on-one training or pull your users into Live Online Training events.
The platform creates environments that have proven to drive engagement and collaboration.
Content Management System
Powerful, flexible, and elegant - our CMS enables the creation of content and nearly every level of the organization with tightly controlled designated audiences.
Organized by topic, section, or audience, users can rapidly build and deploy content that includes intelligent tagging, intelligent search, and social controls (like, tag, rate, comment, & share) along with machine learning for recommendation algorithms.
Leverage the Pulse Role Management System, control who sees the content, the priority, sequencing, and more. Pre-publish for flexibility,
Surveys, Activities, and Team-Sourced Content
Collect feedback, poll, and survey your group to find out what resonates.
Then encourage them to participate in user-generated content experiences. For example, uploading videos of the perfect product demonstration, content that fits a particular program, or sharing their own creativity within a secure and moderated environment.
Features and Customizations
AI Email and Push Notifications
Global Search
QR Codes and Referrals
Role / Location / Team / Group Segmented Content
Location-Aware Content
Single Sign-On and integrations with your existing systems
The Pulse Enterprise Engagement Platform transforms the experiences of the connected audiences and communities that you are seeking to reach. That could be an audience of internal employees, external sales channels, healthcare patients, members of an association, consumers, and more.
It enables a unique and rich experience that inspires people into joining communities and helps transform communities into tribes.
Our platforms create meaningful connections between internal audiences, external audiences, leadership, and more.
Learning / Training
Events / Calendar
Visual Confirmations
Social Sharing
Game-Based Activities